
After Covid, what are your plans?

As from Q3-Q4 2021 and in 2022, job opportunities will flourish. Your job search strategies must be prepared today. Get ready, gain competitive advantage.

As from September 2021 and certainly in 2022, mass vaccination will have improved the general situation we experience today. Improvements are already measurable in the UK; among others, the US, Germany, France and Switzerland have set generalized vaccination as their ultimate priority. States, governments and economies are indeed pushing to fast recover and to actively grow.

OECD forecasts that as from September 2021 and certainly in 2022, anti-Covid vaccines will be merely spread out among the population. In a few months from now, a lot of businesses and companies will have already transformed themselves. The others will have no other choice than to accelerate their change, adaptation and growth.

What about you as a professional? Do you plan to stay in the same job and company as today? Will it be the right timing for you to grow and to develop your career? In which direction? Internally, externally on the job market? Should you be in a career transition, do you think that there will be more relevant job opportunities for you after Covid?

Should you be happy and well challenged in your current role and responsibilities, Q3 and Q4 2021 as well as 2022 will be a satisfying prolongation of your current professional fulfillment. For the others who will strategically wait for the end of the summer holidays 2021 to gradually approach their current manager, HR or headhunters, the context might be more challenging than expected.

As far as I am concerned, simultaneously active as Career Strategist for Executives and as international Headhunter for companies, I help my mentorship clients with a unique approach combining the realities and the challenges of both the candidate and the corporate worlds. As a result, I help my community members in their career next steps that are often related to best timing for a change, calculated risk taking and maximized career decision making.

Average 157 applicants for one job posting.

Already today, my average number of applicants for specialist and managerial job postings on social media and on corporate application platforms is huge. On top of that, I receive a lot of spontaneous applications, too. What is more, the quality of candidates is good. Sometimes candidates are too experienced, sometimes not enough. For their majority, candidates’ resumes are nevertheless often worth of serious attention. In the headhunting and active sourcing businesses on their side, when I proactively approach specialists, managers and executives for my existing open vacancies and for talent pooling purposes, they are often already today enthusiastic about listening to new career opportunities. When the job market will have recovered to its full speed and volume, competition will get even fiercer.

We are 1,5 year later.

Even if the whole world has suffered from the same pandemic situation, in September 2021, we will be 1, 5 year later than March 2020, the beginning of the pandemic. You and I will be 1,5 year older on our résumé. Should you be in-house, you will have been 1,5 year longer in your current job. In your personal career strategy, your goals or career development will have been delayed by 1, 5 year. Finally, your career transition will have perhaps lasted 1,5 year longer, shouldn’t you have found a job in the meantime. Companies, recruiters and headhunters are of course well aware of the epidemic situation. Nevertheless, even if the global economy has slowed down the growth of some businesses in the last months, some sectors have less suffered than others. Therefore, you will certainly happen to be in competition for some open roles with professionals and Executives whose career path has been less impacted than yours in the last months by the pandemic. Anticipation, risks’ assessment, training and preparation will be your main keys to gain competitive advantage and to achieve success.

New opportunities will flourish.

Being pragmatic and feet on the ground, I can positively comment that there will be as from Q3 – Q4 2021 and even more from 2022, a big wave of job openings and job opportunities at local and at global levels. Each country in the world will indeed have the clear mission to actively support its economy to grow. Should you as a professional be well prepared, you might end up your processes with more than one career opportunity in your hands. The time of choices will arise. Choosing will be losing. Choosing will be saying “yes” to one internal or external job opportunity and “no” to all the other opportunities. Choosing will be hard.

Choosing will be emotional. Choosing will be strategic. Choosing might be a family decision. In a recovered and full speed economy, choosing will require to commit yourself and to engage for the next three years at least. My advice to you is to get well prepared for this key momentum, to have your professional and personal objectives clearly defined as well as to get all the necessary help and advice you need to strategically and successfully perform, achieve and win.


Dedicated to your progress, focused on your success.

Kind regards,

Gabriel Kassowicz


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Gabriel Kassowicz

Gabriel Kassowicz is an international recruitment, leadership and career expert. He equally specializes in helping Executives in their career challenges and in supporting corporations to recruit their Leadership profiles. Gabriel has worked more than 20 years in Global Fortune 500 corporations like KornFerry, Pfizer, Honeywell, Bristol-Myers Squibb, etc.

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